Wallcoverings can provide a major transformation to any room. In fact, with the right wallpaper color or design, it could make the room look larger, spacious and appealing to the eyes of the onlooker. Wallcovers can also hide any imperfections due to wrong structural built of the walls. Keep in mind choosing the ideal wallpaper in Dubai can be quite challenging, especially if don’t know which appropriate colors to mix and match.
Here are some helpful tips that you could apply on any wallpaper covering project and experiment on the available designs:
- What do you want to achieve on this particular wallpaper covering project?
Choosing a particular color for wallpaper may provide a different effect to the owner of the house and his/her visitors. Ask yourself, “What do you want to create if you choose a shade of yellow for wallcovering?” Is it to make the room look warmer or it’s simply your favorite color.
- You are already tired of the same wall paint colors available in the market and wish to redecorate your walls with artwork.
- Hide any flaws is one of the major benefits of wallcovering. A wallpaper covering made from unique patterns can cover or hide imperfections due to architectural malfunctions. You can have a wide selection of designs that you could play around a room like masterpieces showcasing greenery motif, animal prints, floral and even marble effect where the onlooker’s attention is more concentrated on the design of the wallpaper, rather than on the flaws of the walls.
How to determine the number of wallpaper rolls you need to buy?
If you are shopping for wallpaper rolls in Dubai, here are some guidelines to help you determine how many rolls needed to cover an entire room or rooms:
- Measure the entire length and width of the room you want to redecorate with wallpaper cover. Be sure you got everything measured from the ceiling to floor and corner to corner. Whatever results, multiply the two figures, then, proceed to the other walls and add all to arrive to the final sum or total.
- Some prefer covering the ceiling only. If this is your case, you need to compute only the square footage by multiplying the width of the floor by the length.
- If you wish to get the average footage of a single roll of wallpaper divide each figure by 25.
- In the event the available wallpaper rolls being sold in Dubai are only double rolls, the best way to calculate is divide the final figure by two.
How to cover the room with wallpaper?
If you are planning to do the actual wallpaper covering on your own, better try different options first before putting them permanently.
- Cover the entire four walls of the room with wallpaper. You can choose bold stripes pattern wallcovering to give the room a modern or trendy look.
- Choose one wall of the room to create a dramatic effect or showcase the best feature of the room like putting wallpaper behind an antique sofa. The perfect wallpaper designs to choose are glossy in nature or wallpaper with metallic effect.
- Cover only the chair rail. This is another method to transform or redecorate a dull room with existing paint, cover the chair rail. You can either do the under or above the chair rail. This approach will not only put emphasis on the walls, but it could also create a division on your existing painted walls and new wallpaper cover.
- Wallpaper the ceiling is another creative strategy to give a distinct look in the living room, especially if you want to achieve a Victorian style look with your ceiling.
Important things to remember with any wallpaper project:
- If you are doing this wallpaper covering for the first time, avoid buying wallpaper designs that come in small prints because you might end up putting the wrong side upside down and it will be obvious on its adjacent wallpaper cover.
- Flat wallpaper rolls are excellent choices than textured wallpapers, especially if you are trying to cover some imperfections on the walls. On the other hand, if you want to achieve a casual look, then, you can try textured patterns of wallpaper.
- Hire an expert wallpaper covering specialist in Dubai. If you aren’t equipped with the appropriate skills and tools needed to perform any wallpaper covering project, then, it is advisable to hire an expert who can do this task in a lesser timeframe. Imagine yourself putting much effort and energy pasting the wallpaper rolls on your walls and only to discover one side of the wall wallpaper doesn’t match on the next wall. You need to remove again the wallpaper and start again or worst end up buying extra wallpaper rolls in the event you run out of supply which could be expensive if you sum it all the trips going to the shop and wasting most of the rolls you bought.
There you have it some key pointers to help you manage any wallpaper covering project you wish to undertake. If this isn’t your forte, better entrust this wallcovering task to a qualified wallpaper installer or ask the advice of your interior designer. He/she might refer somebody in the industry who knows how to transform walls with wallpaper covering.