Can’t find the right sofa for your room? Why not follow these buying tips on sofa hunting and I’m sure you will find the best sofa in Dubai. Remember, sofas come in various sizes, shapes, colors, designs and even fabric made, so make sure you are completely informed what an ideal sofa should have that would complement any existing interiors of your room.
- Check the overall built or frame structure of the sofa you wish to buy. It should be sturdy enough to hold a person’s weight and allow him/her to sit back or curl down comfortably after a hard day’s work.
- Well-padded sofas should start from its frame and around the corners. If you want to be sure that your sofa will last longer, run your fingers on the entire sofa. The frame of a completely padded sofa doesn’t show off and adequate padding will not even cause enough friction on the fabric and its frame.
- There should be no bumps or signs of hard spot at the back of the sofa. You can run the palm of your hand to verify.
- If there are metal parts around the frame of the sofa you are planning to buy, check if they are smooth. Be sure there are no visible sharp edges coming out while sitting or moving from one corner to another side of the sofa because they might cause injury to the person sitting or lead to fabric damage when exposed to sharp metal parts.
- Pat the center of the sofa and see if isn’t hollow.
- The seat cushions should perfectly fit on the sofa frame. If you sit the cushions must be firm and when you stand up, the normal shape of the cushions should go back to its original state.
- If the sofa has decorative buttons, they should not fall off and check if they are attached or sewn properly. Remember, any loosened button will end up getting lost due to continuous usage.
- Another area you need to carefully inspect if you are planning to buy a sofa from a furniture retail store in Dubai is the design of the sofa. If you want a sofa with prints, the patterns should match on any side and showcases a uniformed layout. If the stripes don’t make a perfect straight line, there is a defect already on the details of that particular furniture piece. A well-crafted sofa must present fine craftsmanship all throughout, from the sewing, seams and even proper alignment of patterns.
- A badly tailored sofa will have uneven seams and welting.
- Don’t forget to ask the furniture retailer is the sofa you wish to buy bears the UFAC seal or tag (Upholstered Furniture Action Council) or whatever its equivalent fire safety feature warranty if you are residing in Dubai. A well-made sofa must offer more protection against accidental fire due to cigarette butts left accidentally. Check if the manufacturer of the sofa underwent strict compliance on safety rules and preventions against household fires.
Additional tips and warnings:
Before investing your hard earned income on any sofa brand, ask yourself first, “What is the purpose of this sofa?” Is it intended for sitting only for your visitors or you wish to acquire a sofa for your bedroom where you can relax while reading a book or watching one of your favorite t.v. shows.
Once you have decided the sole purpose of this sofa, the next concern is the shape of the sofa you want to buy. Again, take your time searching online for some great sofa ideas such as the difference between a camel-back sofa and Lawson sofa or reclining sofa that turns into a mini bed. It all depends on the person who will actually use the sofa.
Another major concern when choosing an ideal sofa for any room is its size. The size of the room where the sofa goes really matters because you don’t want to encounter difficulty squeezing it on the entrance door of the room. A modest sized sofa would be perfect for a large or middle size living room. In fact, an average size sofa will not overpower any existing interiors of that particular room or cause any traffic. If you want to be sure the sofa you will buy will fit well inside your bedroom, get accurate measurements before going to the furniture outlet store in Dubai.
Enjoy the longer service of your sofa by choosing top quality fabric materials that are made from microfibers because they can withstand any heavy traffic, yet still look at its best condition. Aside from that, a sofa made from microfibers is easy to clean and maintain.
Lastly, if you are on a tight budget, ask a trusted interior designer in Dubai if he/she can recommend a dependable upholsterer or furniture specialist whose expertise is on customized furniture pieces like sofas. A reputable upholstery provider can even copy a particular design you want to achieve at a reasonable price and ensuring longer usage.
No need to rush buying a discounted sofa on any furniture shop. Carefully inspect the overall built of the sofa and ask yourself why it is marked way below its standard retail price. You might discover hidden flaws and end up disappointed. There are still other options that you can consider when on the lookout for the best sofa, such as having it custom-made from a dependable furniture specialist in Dubai. Find out where you can save without sacrificing the quality and service of your desired sofa.