One of the reasons that attract a person to stay longer in bed or look forward to going to his/her bedroom is the existence of a well-made bed. Unknown to homemakers, proper bedding selection is a must if they wish to achieve an inviting look on their bedrooms.
If you want to save yourself frequent trips to the bedding sections of your favorite mall in Dubai, take time reading these buying guidelines for bedcovers.
- Get the accurate measurement of your bed
Knowing the exact measurements of your mattress or bed is very important when buying sheets or bedcovers in Dubai. If you want to end up buying the right fit for your bed, don’t forget to measure your bed from top to bottom, taking into consideration its width, length and thickness. If you are in a hurry, make sure before going to shopping for some bedcovers that you check the label of your mattress’ size whether it is double, queen or king size.
- Know the thread count of bed sheets
The thread count is usually found on the label of the sheets. Read the manufacturer‘s specification on the thread count of the bed sheets you are trying to buy. The thread count will give you a number of threads per square inch and if you want to be assured of lasting usage, choose a thread count that is above 250. Remember, the higher the thread count, the more comfortable the sheets feel on anyone’s skin.
- Choose the right fabric according to your preference
Bed sheets come in various fabric made. The best choices of bedcovers include those made from cotton, blends, flannel, satin and silk. Depending on your budget and personal taste, you can buy sheets with matching pillowcases made from pure cotton, if you want to sleep comfortably with clean sheets, but if you want to experience a luxurious feeling every time you lie down, buy bedcovers made from satin, silk or microfiber.
- Buy extra identical bed sheets
For those unavoidable spills on your bed sheets, it would be a wise move to buy extra sets of identical bedcovers that include sheets and matching pillowcases, so that you don’t have to worry of finding a perfect match to replace any soiled sheet or bedcover.
- Follow the washing/care instructions
Before you put the expensive silk sheet cover inside the washing machine, be sure you read the washing/care instructions. Always follow the recommended washing cycle and washing powder needed to wash any soiled or dirty silk bedcovers to ensure them of lasting service.
Additional tips when buying bedcovers in Dubai:
- Cotton is the most favored fabric for bed sheets, especially those made from 100% breathable cotton fabric. They offer comfort and durable features which are really beneficial to homemakers on a limited budget.
- Bed sheets made from cotton/polyester blends may keep them unwrinkled even when used already, but they don‘t offer the same comfort that one could get from pure cotton. In fact, when used as sheets during a hot or warm weather, the person may feel hot or sticky, so it would be advisable to use these types of sheets during cooler months of the year.
- Silk bedcovers may be very costly. They also require delicate care and washing which could be very tiring to any homemaker who is always busy attending other chores.
- Bamboo is the latest fabric introduced on bedcovers category. It is quite similar to fine cotton, the difference is it offers more breathable feature. One of the awesome advantages of buying bamboo made bed sheets is its anti-microbial characteristic, so anyone using this type of bedcover is assured of protection against harmful bacteria.
- Colors of bed sheets depend entirely on one’s personality, preferred style and distinct taste. Among the common shades preferred by many are white and neutral colors. There are also sheets that come in various designs or pattern like stripes, dots, animal prints and floral themes. Again, depending on the theme you want to achieve on your bedroom, your color preferences on bedcovers must always blend with the rest of your bedroom’s interior design.
Bedcovers play a major role in beautifying or decorating one’s bedroom. Careful selection of fabric materials on your bed sheets should be given priority because the main purpose of a bedroom if for sleeping and relaxation.
If you are having trouble decorating your bedroom or finding the perfect bedroom essentials to match with your preferred theme, contact a reliable interior designer in Dubai. I’m sure he/she can provide solid advice on the best options for bedcovers without breaking your wallet.
Take your time while shopping for the best bedcovers in your bedroom. Visit one shop to another and compare prices. If there is a big difference between costing, always go where comfort and durability is guaranteed. The bottom line, a bedcover that lets you sleep soundly anytime of the day is the right choice.